Sunday, July 31, 2022

Another glorious Sunday is with us

 A beautiful sunny day and 18 degrees celsius at 7:50 a.m.; a perfect Sunday and I will go to Church on YouTube a little later. Now just glimpses of the blue sky with the drape half open; the black walnut dominates the window; last year still a lot of sky but this year the foliage has increased so much that I just get glimpses of the blue sky on the one side of the window and the thickness of the foliage is about one-third of the way across the second pane. Hard to believe just a couple of years ago the tree wasn't as high as our flag pole but now reaches way up into the heavens. An aggressive tough tree is the Black Walnut dominating the world around it. 

Interesting article discussing how COVID infection is altering people by prematurely aging the immune system. It makes sense as it challenges the immune system everytime that one has COVID forcing it to work overtime and that is what happens to people really and why they age so constant repetitive cases of COVID it is not surprising could have the same effect making us more vulnerable to other illnesses in the future. I have now had my second booster and been lucky to avoid COVID and will continue wearing my mask in closed spaces for now on into the future. More and more people are shopping with masks on once again. It really isn't a problem to do that; quite easy actually. When you come upon a sudden burst of dust or strong perfume it is amazing how much it cuts that out having a mask on. 

It will be interesting to see the DNA work in a few years time on COVID susceptibility. Like the Bubonic Plague and other diseases some people are just more immune than others and eventually selectivity will help in that regard as well although there are still cases of the plague we just know how to deal with them. We are learning how to deal best with COVID and it is a process like everything else. 

Yesterday was busy with lawn cutting and organizing. I am slowly getting everything into the shed that I want to have there. Still another run to the dump with items that we no longer use and are not really useful to take to Salvation Army or other places. The metal waste was a big item for a bit as Edward had a lot of iron posts that he used with snow fences. The wood waste another big item as my husband never threw out a piece of wood that might be useful in the future. The garage is starting to look really empty and that is good as the car will live in there soon for the winter months. It is nice not to have to scrape ice off every day. The four bins of paper went last week and probably that will not be repeated. It just happened that that set of boxes (five of them) were mostly correspondence with many many cousins and I felt it was best to shred all of that and let people find each other researching (I think they generally do). Edward loved to write to people and so he had a lot of letters which eventually moved from family research into the weather and traveling and all such courteous type of conversation that he did tend to delight in. Many times as I sit at my desk working away my mind wanders back in time remembering Edward saying lets go shopping; lets go to the museum; lets go to the library or lets go for a walk. He was always getting us out doing things; walking, astronomy, shopping and the list is very long. 

Then finishing off the day with kayaking and a long walk. The work load continues to be heavy but gradually we are downsizing but still a long way to go to my one room vision of life. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. The Russian people must tire of their young men being killed in this illegal war. Certainly the Ukrainians will mourn the loss of their citizens for a very long time. War is such an archaic feature in life; talk in the United Nations; work together and love the land not destroy it. Regime change is the latest reason that Lavrov has put forward as a reason for the war.  That is for the United Nations to be involved in and Ukraine has democratically elected its current government with a good majority so why should Russia think they can change the regime. I do not think the Ukrainians hated the Russian people before all of this happened but the murder of their children will be hard to forget and forgive. Go home Russian soldiers; change your regime so that you can live in peace with your neighbours.

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