Thursday, July 7, 2022

Another July summer day

 Woke up early and it is a beautiful July Summer day. The grass is green but this time it was the watering that we did last night that gives it that lovely green glow. We must enjoy the beauty of the earth and protect it. 

I was thinking back on Convent Glen United Church which became Orleans United Church. When I was asked to be volunteer secretary the minister welcomed me to my task - Joanne but I can not remember her last name - it will come to me likely generally does. I worked with Joanne publishing the bulletin each week filled with the news and events of the parish. Edward helped me to put it together as he became more and more involved with his Church. It was part of his feeling like his father's son perhaps as his father had been an Elder at Princeton United Church where Edward lived as a child. 

It was my first knowledge of women in the ministry and Joanne was an extremely good minister. Later David Kai's wife and I ran Lenten Bible Studies. After 9/11 I was convinced that women needed to be in the Church as ministers and I continue of that opinion although in my Anglican Church they are called priests. It is a hard job though like most service jobs. The happenings on 9/11 showed that ministry in any faith needs women as well as men so that there is a balance struck between the needs of each.

Growing up our priest and his family were close to my family (children played together) and my father was rector's warden for a while. Perhaps it was my hermit tendencies but I always avoid such personal associations as an adult. Edward loved that aspect of my parent's life; their close comradeship with friends at Church. I liked the more distant approach where you knew many people but kept to yourself. We were very different in that way he and I, yet we did some fantastic things in our youth traveling about in our canoe in the north and all those trips to graveyards hunting up his relatives from days gone by. Then the trips to Europe filled with all sorts of exciting happenings. 

Another beautiful day and some how in this past week I have come to terms with the social need to inter Edward's ashes. I can see why people in the past kept their loved ones close to home. But now he will enjoy the beautiful music of the Cathedral into eternity (Edward loved music) although I have left it with my children to manage where they would bury me. I will continue to tithe monthly and go to the Cathedral on You-Tube as long as they maintain that ability. There are however many many services on line - I used to attend the Roman Catholic Service online when we didn't go to Church after the pacemaker as often. The world is open now to all religions but there is only one God I do believe.

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