Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Blake Newsletter published and comments on the Pincombe Newsletter

 This has been a busy day for emails. The Blake Newsletter was published today in an email to the members sent by FT DNA. An interesting comment back from one of the members who does descend from Humphrey Blake and I would like to finally set to rest the mystery on Humphrey's parents said to be a Blake/Cole couple. The only part of this that troubles me is the usage by Horatio Gates Somerby of the Andover family giving Humphrey's father as William Blake and mother as Mary Coles with brother Nicholas Blake of Andover, Hampshire. This is a fallacy as Nicholas Blake does not have a brother Humphrey. This is clear from his mother's will and Nicholas' will as well as William the son of Nicholas who mentions his relatives as well. Nicholas' likely father is Richard Blake who left his will a year after his father Robert Blake died. But it is all very interesting for sure. I have moments when I wished I could just live in a little one room flat close to Winchester for a couple of years but I think perhaps I am too old to go to England all on my own at 76 so probably not happening. But it is a nice thought to just spend hours and hours with the Blake records in the Winchester Record Office. I could also walk down the street where my father was born in Eastleigh which we didn't do but did see the house where my grandfather was born and grew up in Upper Clatford. 

The Pincombe notation dealt with a query about Robert Pincombe b 1775 and the answer was that he was my 3x great grandfather (one of my Pincombe cousins tested his yDNA for the study). 

I was never into genealogy particularly through my life but the DNA has certainly drawn me into this most exciting topic of one's old age the last 18 years.

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