Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Cleaning continues and downsizing

 Another load for Salvation Army as downsizing continues. It isn't that I need to move away from where I am but I need less stuff in case I do need to make that move and I want it to be in a respectful manner since Edward acquired all of these things because he loved them. Gradually he was finding spots for them and fortunately he did talk about all of that so that we are in as much as possible following his wishes on that. I am acquiring what will be a couple of mailer boxes of paper to send to the Princeton Museum of items that he scanned for them but they mentioned they would like the originals so will get that done probably by December. We continue to place the material into his four grandparent's lines as he was actively involved with groups in all four of those lines. I do want the originals to find a home with someone since we want to have only the scanned material unless of course one of my daughters decides to take on some of his work. 

Cleaning day two and it is a little more work today as yesterday was incomplete. We finally finished off the day wrapping up two boxes of dishes for Salvation Army and then off kayaking and walking. It was a lovely day; a little windy but welcomed after the heat of the last few days. 

Today I need to complete yesterday's cleaning - some dusting and scrubbing left to do as well as the basement to clean. 

I will continue on the Protestation Returns and we are in the last week of July so must remember to post the next issue of the Kipp newsletter on the 1st of August. 

The Pincombe Newsletter is for the 1st of September and it is slowly growing but needs the Protestation Return scan completed before being published. That is feasible and will get that done. Then I want to work on the Blake Newsletter which involves checking the Subsidies for Somerset for this particular issue of the Newsletter. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. They are newly refreshed in their battle to exist. What ever happened to the great dream in Russia of bringing all of the people out of serfdom and into a better way of life. China is doing it but Putin and his enablers are pushing Russia back into a dreadful existence. Russia was becoming part of the world; not rampaging around in Eastern Europe but moving forward until Putin came along and first he made the people love him and now he is abusing that love by sending their sons to the battlefields to die in an illegal war against Ukraine - their blood brothers; their cousins.

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