Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Heat wave and rain today hopefully

 The heat wave continues although not as warm as in the British Isles and Europe. Hopefully rain today or will need to water likely. Wednesday already but cleaning is all done and now back to working on the Pincombe Newsletter. I would like to have it completed by the end of this month and then back to the Blake Newsletter for the first of October. I will publish the Kipp Newsletter on the 1st of August which is already completed. 

I spent some time yesterday going through Edward's research bags and have moved that material into one of the research boxes. Eventually I need to find a home for this research material as it includes original images of his various family lines. I think I have one cousin in each line that will perhaps take the material and continue his research. He has published his entire tree on World Connect and I would like to move it to Family Search as well but will need to work on that for a while. He was in the process of looking at that as well. 

The Tool Library donation will occupy us for a few days now as I would also like to put all of that material to good use. Edward had started to donate to the Tool Library before COVID and had planned on continuing to downsize his tools so we will continue with that idea. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. Although the defensive posture did not work in 1938-1939 we are a different world now and the benefits to war are pretty much gone. Everyone loses in a war these days; there are no winners just a few brutal animalistic people who are willing to murder innocent children in order to steal land. To be human one must be humane. But in the long run they do not win as their lives become hunted as hatred for them grows around the world.

I see Putin is saying that if Nord Stream 2 comes online then that can be used to send half of the gas to Europe. Interesting really how this man thinks; he is making a lot of money selling gas to Europe and he doesn't want to lose that ability. Perhaps he can step back now and pulls his armies out of Ukraine and let the world go back to peaceful existence once again. Really what does he gain by stealing the Donbas - a resistance fight on into the future. More Russian soldiers dying needlessly when they could be at home fighting the forest fires raging in the north. But perhaps most importantly in these days of climate change he is forcing the use of coal-fired energy producing plants to increase and like our Canadian north the north of Russia is being ravaged by climate change. He is actually accelerating that process that will help to destroy the world. Russia is a great nation and he is destroying the foothold that she has made in so many fields of development and scientific accomplishment.

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