Saturday, July 2, 2022

Home again

 Home again and it doesn't look like very much rain fell whilst we were away. However the raspberries are ripe so must go out and collect them.  Traffic very heavy coming back to Ottawa and hope that means that all the anti-vaxxers have gone home. Really they do have a nerve coming to Ottawa to spoil the Canada Day celebrations. There were so very few of them as well. Democracy is about majority rule; we listen to minorities but the majority will rule. If you have a good point to make then we listen and there are good examples of our listening that has resulted in changes in laws but you had your opportunity to make a point; your muffed it. Occupying a city, breaking the by laws of the city and being menacing to the people in the area where you were illegally occupied are not conducive to us listening to what you have to say. Plus we got vaccinated; we wore masks because we care about our fellow Canadians (heck we care about the people in the world). Just because you decided that you didn't want to be vaccinated or wear masks doesn't make it acceptable - you can do whatever you want in your own four walls so long as you do not infringe on anyone else's rights. So really glad that the city didn't listen to your whining and ignored your protest; you have gone home hopefully - great. 

The war in Ukraine grinds on with more civilians dead and now the Russians are probably hoping that the United Nations will get the Ukranians to de-mine the harbour at Odessa. Russia is saying they will permit the Ukrainians to ship their wheat etc out of Odessa - does Russia plan to immediately storm the port and bomb all the civilians to death that they can once the de-mining has occurred? They really are Nazis to the core - greedy for land, stealing anything they can take and killing civilians including children. Plus Russia is threatening Turkey if they support Finland and Sweden joining NATO. Nothing unique in what Russia is doing; they are just following Hitler's playbook. What a sick group of people they are as they continue to try to divide and conquer. Do the people of Russia not tire of this greed for land that Putin and his enablers have?

Must get back to my newsletters this week. While I was away we pretty much firmed up the Celebration of Life Service for Edward. Now I will start to get pictures together to bring with us - his favourites. We created a memory wall about four years ago so have all the ones at hand that he loved to have in his home office. His favourite picture I will get enlarged and frame it to sit right beside his Urn. We will miss him being right with us but it is the custom to inter one's loved ones in particular locations and COVID-19 has made it possible for us to keep him with us a much longer time than is usual but we need to complete his interment and that will be next.

I must say that writing a blog on my telephone results in just a few spelling errors when I am not wearing my reading glasses. I forgot to take them with me. Mustn't forget again as I obviously really do need to have those glasses. I have actually worn  bifocals since I was 34 years of age but switched to reading glasses and long distance glasses a year and a half ago but I need to go back to bifocals again. Because my lenses are so strong I was finding that it was blurry looking down but I will just have to be more careful.

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