Monday, July 18, 2022

Lavrov, Putin and their ideas that people are anti-Russian

Lavrov and Putin keep saying that people are anti-Russian. I think that most of us respected Russia for her contributions to science particularly in engineering with their having the first astronaut in space. I applauded them for their accomplishment although I was just a 15 year old child marveling that we had made it into space. My first reaction was to draw space ships and wonder if I too could go into space! Russia did well but now Putin and Lavrov are spoiling all the accomplishments of the last sixty years moving the earth forward to a better place to live with their relentless greed for land. Do they really think that offering Russian citizenship to the Ukrainian people will make up for their murdering their children, their young men and women? They live in a fool's paradise.

Any anti-Russian sentiments have been created by Lavrov and Putin for invading Ukraine and killing citizens there in their relentless greed for land. Russia is the largest land mass in the world and yet these two and their adherents crave more and more land.

It is just greed and they are trying to say people are anti-Russian to support their incoherent and ignorant aggression against a neighbour just because they want their land. 

The idea that the EU emerged to be confrontational and that it had anti-Russian intentions is also ridiculous. However, Russia needs to bear in mind that they were the ones who rampaged through Europe all the way to Berlin after the Second World War abusing and looting as they went and it should not have been a surprise to them that countries built an alliance to defend themselves against Russian aggression considering the Iron Curtain stood for over fourty years as they enslaved millions of people behind that curtain. But anti-Russian, no I would not say that. There have been many great Russians that are respected around the world for their scientific, artistic, and humanitarian and more abilities than that. That definitely isn't Lavrov and Putin, they will go down in history as mass murderers. They are murdering children almost daily in Ukraine; little ones dying in their parent's arms if they happened to survive or in a stranger's arms because everyone else was gone. It is pure evil; disgusting and I am definitely anti-Lavrov and anti-Putin but not anti-Russian. I have had many lovely conversations in email with Russian members of my H11 studies. They sound like wonderful people; too bad Lavrov and Putin and their adherents are spoiling life for the Russian people for now they are a pariah nation. 

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