Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Turbine

I misread the story and thought we had returned the turbine but there is apparent opposition. Who is being hurt by the turbine not being returned? It looks like Germany; if I am mistaken then I do take it all back as greater minds than mine are thinking this all through. But Russia not using the repaired turbine just to hurt Germany is really hurting themselves as they are still making money on gas. So let Russia be in the wrong and not us; Germany is an ally and we should help them; they want us to return the turbine. We are not helping Russia; if they decide to continue punishing Europe withholding gas then that is Russia's problem. We are not weak just sensible. Keep arming Ukraine and continuing to build up our NATO forces in case Russia tries a breakout through Belarus. Russia wants a world war it appears as they think China will back them; defensive is never wrong. We need to protect ourselves and as much as I feel very sorry for Ukraine they have fifth columnists at work (it would appear) in their country and we can not help them solve that problem but we can continue to supply them with arms so that their resistance fighters can continue to strike blows. It will be the resistance that drives Russia back out of Ukraine just as it drove Russia out of Afghanistan and drove the Soviet Union to bankruptcy and caused its downfall. The cost to Russia is enormous to continue their aggressive greedy march into Ukraine but continuing to make Russia a pariah nation forever having to sell their products at less than their worth will be a painful future for them. Interesting Russia going to Iran with hat in hand - the evil powers continue to swirl about us. Iran is another of those evil countries that shot down an unarmed passenger plane (headed to Canada) over their own country and then tried to deny it. This is all about greed and Russia continues with that greedy acquisition of Ukraine land. Russia will attack anyone who has land that they want.

In the meantime we had a good rain yesterday; we could have a couple of days of that rain as the ground has soaked it all up and looks for more. July can be the driest month in the year for sure. 

Continuing to work on the Pincombe Newsletter and Chittlehampton has become an interesting excursion that has taken me into all the Protestation Returns for that area looking for where Pincombes lived in the 1641 returns. North Molton very interesting with a Thomas Pencombe senior, Bartholomew Pincombe and a Thomas Pencombe. In 1641 Thomas Pencombe the father of William Pincombe married to Emotte Snowe of Filleigh was still alive but who are the two Thomas Pencombes at North Molton - Thomas did not name a son Thomas - only John (lived at South Molton), William (lived at East Buckland and Filleigh) and Richard whose place of abode is not known to me but was it Chittlehampton and Richard had a son Thomas so did he also have a son Richard marrying at Chittlehampton in 1653 (probably not as the gap is too large but must keep putting this data together)? Thomas Pencombe senior could be the father of John, William and Richard and Thomas Pencombe could be the son of Richard (but not likely this Richard). Who is Bartholomew Pencombe and I do have his will transcribed from 1656 where he mentions a son John and daughters Francis and Richourd and his friend Thomas Pincombe? The loss of the wills during the bombing of the Record Office in Exeter during WWII is deeply felt looking at their old lines in Devon and Somerset. Perhaps today I will continue looking at all the Protestation Returns.

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