Saturday, July 9, 2022

Will Russia stop now and let the world have peace?

I wrote this the day before the Internet went out.

Will Russia stop now and let the world have peace? I found myself contemplating that today. Do they feel no compassion for all the people that they are murdering? Is there no end to their greed for land? They are already the largest land mass in the world. 

When the punishment comes for Russia and God does promise that it will then it will be dreadful for those who have transgressed knowing full well that they are wrong. Accidents do happen and we simply move on from them - God knows and sees all things. That I do truly believe. But how to correct for this aggression? How do we stop it before it starts in the future. There must be more dialogue; better understanding so that these events do not occur again. Surely countries can see that closeness between groups and areas can be attained by kindness and co-operation not with guns. After all it was Russia that stampeded through Eastern Europe in revenge at the end of World War II - their revenge saw no limits if you read the history books and the Iron Curtain that encircled the countries of Eastern Europe did not rise again until the 1990s when the Soviet Union was bankrupt. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. We must help them to defend their country but words must enter into all of this as well. Russia is a pariah nation now. Countries that do deal with Russia are only doing so because of cheap oil - one can not trust Russia as they would invade any country that lies on their borders if they decide they want something there - Putin and his enablers are incredibly greedy. 

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