Sunday, July 10, 2022

Working on the next Pincombe Newsletter

Yesterday was a working day and I spent about four hours reading and transcribing the Chittlehampton Devon Parish Register.  A big surprise at the beginning of the Parish Registers set was the marriage of a William Pincombe of Fhilley and Mary the daughter of Mary Harvey widow 26 Sep 1639. It was the first Pincombe entry in that particular Parish Register. William Pincombe of Fhilley is likely of the North Molton Pincombe line surprisingly although when one considers the distances not such a surprise. 

Filleigh is 8.2 kilometres from Chittlehampton. Filleigh is also the location for Thomas Pincombe whose will was probated in 1544 and believed to be the father of William Pincombe who married Emotte Snowe as well as father to Richard and John and the time frame is approximately 100 years earlier than this record in 1639. It was an interesting discovery although the gap between 1639 and the next record in the register for the marriage of a Richard Pyncombe and Jane Bone in 1653 is not overly helpful. The next following entry is for a William Pyncombe son of William Pyncombe baptized 8 Feb 1652/53 and the following baptisms of Bartholomew and Margarett son and daughter of Richard Pincombe baptized the 24th Dec 1653 (born the 23rd of December). This is a difficult time for parish registers as it is the period of the Commonwealth in England and records were supposed to be recorded in the city/town/village records and not in the Church but in these far flung areas of the countries the priests were rather more defiant and did perform baptisms and marriages and record them in their registers. I am not surprised to find the North Molton family at Chittlehampton but more curious why people linked Richard Pincombe married to Jane Bond to the family of William Pincombe and Mary Carew a few hundred years later when they did have access to the Chittlehampton records. 

The Subsidy 1544/1545 for Chetylhamton (Chittlehampton) Parish does not list any Pincombe members. At that point in time the Pincombe members were found in: 

North Molton - Alice (widow) Pincombe, John Pincombe, William Pincombe

South Molton - Christopher Pincombe, John Pincombe, John Pincombe Jr, John Pincombe Sr

East Buckland - Thomas Pencombe

Bideford - Richard Pincombe

Tawstocke - Philip Pynkeham

Kings Nympton - Richard Pincombe

The Visitation of Devon 1620 mentions three sons for the original Pymcombe who came with Lord de la Zouch to North Molton in 1485 - John, Thomas and unknown (possibly William). John was the father of a John and a Christopher. Thomas was the father of a William, a Richard and a John and the unknown but possibly William was the father of a William and a John. All of these sons would have been adults or very close to that by 1544. The only real outlier is Philip Pynkham at Tawstock (near Barnstaple). I like it that the subsidy does list all of the potential children of these three individuals John, Thomas and unknown (possibly William). 

Will spend a little time today on the newsletter but the eyes definitely need a rest!

A lovely sunny day here and the temperature at 8:30 am is 17 degrees celsius. Thus far the weather has been pretty nice; not too hot but we could as always do with more rain. Watered yesterday once again as well as hoeing the garden. We have avoided that until now because of the bunnies but will see how that goes.

The Protestation Returns of 1641/42 at Chittlehampton (March 6, 7, 8, 1641) list:

Richard Pincombe

William Pincombe junior

William Pincombe senior

The Parish Records continuing up to the early 1700s where I am currently extracting do show a Richard Pincombe family and a William Pincombe family. How were they related? that is unknown to me but the priest recording the marriage of William Pincombe of Fhilley is most interesting and given the few numbers of Pincombe in Devon it might be realistic to think that this William Pincombe of Fhilley is descendant of the North Molton Pincombe family which would mean that all the descendants of William Pincombe at Chittlehampton are descendant of the North Molton family. Can one assume that the William Pincombe marrying at Chittlehampton in 1639 is William Pincombe junior since children were not in general recorded on these protestation returns although 18 year old and up males were recorded in many parishes. There is a William Pincombe baptized 8 Feb 1652/53 son of William Pincombe. The elder Pincombe though could have married a second time and Filleigh is closeby to Chittlehampton so recording his name on that Protestation Return would not be surprising. 

The Filleigh Protestation Returns (March 13, 1641) also show a William Pincombe both signing and as one of the church wardens. But there isn't a William Pincombe junior (or senior). 

No service on You-Tube today but I read the service and sang the hymns and I am content. I could have watched another but the hymns today are some of my favourites. It reminds me of the beginning of the pandemic when there was only a printed service available on the website which I quite enjoyed at that time. The You-Tube has just been a wonderful extra.

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