Saturday, August 13, 2022

A bit of excitement

My neighbour sent me a message telling me that she has a squirrel in her attic near the front window. I went out to have a look and there is a small gap between the under eaves and the top of her window. She was concerned that the squirrel would get into my attic. Fortunately we have a cement block fire wall between our two houses and our join is very small. But I will put the blink camera up there just to be on the sure side but I can not hear anything and definitely I could hear the racoon up there a few years back. That was an issue until the one way door went in and out the racoon went and we had the entire outer wall redone with new siding and a sturdy join to prevent the racoon just opening up the siding like a tin can! We (Edward and I)  boarded up the access between our two attics (each of these houses has two attics joined by a small crawl space because the roof line is different. To make sure we shone a light into the one attic whilst looking in the other attic to make sure no light was showing through because where there is light one of these little critters can crawl through! But no light showed and the camera will pick up any moving object so will have my answer soon. There are two access points so that you do not really need to have the crawl space. The marvels of modern science and computers! I know when the next door neighbours had trouble before we did not get any chipmunks into our attic and certainly a chipmunk can pass through a very narrow space. The cement block firewall does seem to be pretty handy. Other than that the quiet days of August are leading us onward towards September. We need to clean out the gutters and will get that done this week ready for winter. The dump run is ahead of us and there is a good sized load to go once again once we dismantle the carrier for the canoe plus metal fencing that I will not keep. I want to get everything into the shed so that the garage is empty except for the car and the garbage containers. 

To sell or not to sell is always the question. The house is too big for me alone but when we are all here it is just right and very handy to everything plus the memory of Edward is in every room and we are not quite willing to give that up yet. 

We have lived in our house on this street longer than anyone. Our next door neighbour that told me the sad tale of the squirrel moved in about three months after us so they are the second longest on the street. Seems hard to believe that all of those people mostly unknown to me have come and gone through the years. After going back to work at the hospital in 1995 I really did not meet any new neighbours until I retired in 2008. Edward knew everyone though; he was always out and about and retired three years before I did. Once I retired I settled into my DNA work and have been busy at that ever since except for our travels about the world and then later when I was nursing Edward.

Today is a shredding day once again. Edward had all of his mother's papers still and she passed away twenty two years ago so do not need to keep those papers any longer. Checked to see what we should keep and did keep all of that but it is a small package compared to the mound of papers that we had.  But there is still a stack to shred so will get that done. Shredders are marvelous machines actually. 

Had a look at the Blake wills and the subject of this newsletter is going to be William Blake and Ann(e) Cole -  What can we find out about them? I think it will be very interesting as I have returned time and again to that particular couple as they are claimed to be the progenitors of so many Blake families around southern England including the Somerset Blake family and the Hampshire Blake family. 

Bright sun today but last night the shadows as we returned from kayaking and walking are really telling me that the summer is receding. We still need a lot of rain and hopefully that will happen as the trees are desperate for rain and they always manage to get most of what falls making the crops less fruitful. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. 

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