Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Car in for oil change

New cars are amazing as they spend so little time at the Garage so in today for an oil change, checkup and some red paint for a few small scratches from somewhere just to keep them from rusting. This car is three years old now and except for the trip to Florida and back last year the mileage has been pretty small only about 5000 km per year and less as the Florida trip was probably 6000 km in total with the trip itself and the driving about for seven days. 

I think of all the cars that Edward and I purchased this one he really quite liked. It had some extras that he really liked - nothing really fancy but just some nice extras like the back hatch going up with a flick of the button on the remote and the side doors the same. It just make everything a lot easier. He loved vans and we did buy a smaller car for a couple of times but I said why don't you buy the car you really like and not think about me having to drive it. As it turned out I mostly drove that van and I just am careful where I go!

Continuing to amalgamate data and items and downsize continues but at a much slower pace. My son in law brought up a point that so long as we keep this house we can keep Edward's personal items for the boys to find and so I have a new thought in mind because we are now getting into the things that he created (like his four post card binders) and so many other creations the number is countless. I will find a home for them and they can be explored one day if that is the desire of my children/grandchildren. They will wonder what I did but it is all on my computer so will not think that I am too hopeless!

All of the knitting and sewing that I did in the past I have pretty much given to Salvation Army for people to use. Perhaps I will get back to knitting and sewing. One never knows the future. But for the moment the computer is my method of expression and will probably remain that way for a while yet. 

Busy outside cleaning up. The dryness has been hard on the lawns and the gardens although the front is pretty good. That tree doesn't appear to be as demanding and the plants are doing well plus they do not get as much sun as the back yard. The dog days of August are upon us now and we are one third of the way through the month. You notice it morning and night now as Fall beckons from around the corner inviting us to come and enjoy that season. Fall can be quite beautiful here with the colours on the trees and winter does come eventually but we often have some lovely days into November albeit rather cool most times. 

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