Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Cloudy today and the promise of rain

 Looking out the window I can see about 10% of the sky; the trees are really blocking the sky now and another year I may just get glimpses through the trees. Trying to remember when I first started to notice that and perhaps five years ago now when the Black Walnut was still less than the height of the flagpole and the large maple next door was just part way up the window. Our maple at the back could be seen then but now the Black Walnut blocks the view of the maple tree along with several descendants of the maple trees that have grown up quite quickly the last few years. I love trees though and it is fun to watch them grow knowing that they will be here long after I am gone although being in a young growth area that may not be the case. We are close enough to walk to the new train and there are schools from junior kindergarten to community college all within pretty much walking or biking distance. Time will tell for sure as in all things.

Second day of cleaning just the large bathroom to do today along with the basement. We cleaned out the microwave stand today. Edward built it about thirty five years ago and it is a lovely piece. The girls will likely keep that as a memory of their father. I took out a pile of cooking dishes that I seldom use these days and put them downstairs (the sort of halfway house for items that could go to Salvation Army as they are still quite useable) so that they are still accessible in case I want to make something. I was thinking for Christmas this year I should make a large pound cake and butter tarts. They were both favourites and would likely be enjoyed this year. 

In between I shall work on the Pincombe list of names that are new to me from the Protestation Returns. I think I have eliminated all the ones that could have been Pincombe but are free standing surnames. I want to look at the charts as I work my way through the names. Some of the charts do go back to the 1500s and it will help me to place the Pincombe family members known to be in distinct places mostly by the wills that were left in the 1500s (they may not have always signed the Protestation Return where they later signed their wills however as people did move about). 

Other than that it looks like rain out there and we could use rain as always. The dog days of August are upon us and lead us gently but firmly into the months of the Fall before Winter descends. I love all of the seasons with their exciting discoveries but especially I appreciate winter as a time to work on my studies. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. There will be prayers for the people of Russia but Putin and his enablers are cheating the people of Russia of those prayers at the moment. They lead Russia down a path of isolation and misery for all of her people. Russia is at the mercy of people who just want their products and will undercut the price since they can. But Putin and his enablers put their people into this position; people of Russia free yourselves from this leadership that takes you to ruin.

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