Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Day Four

It is the fourth day since the Celebration of Life and the closeness of Edward was a comfort to me. As my 77th birthday approaches I do wonder if I can accomplish all of the tasks which Edward set me to before he passed away. However, one step at a time and yesterday we managed to photograph all the items in his Mother's Hope Chest to send off to her eldest granddaughter. What she does not want we will give to Salvation Army to resell or donate. That would have suited him very well. I also want to organize the journals and other items that came in this past year. I plan a yearly donation to Ontario Ancestors in his memory and need to organize that as well. I thought to do that on his death date but think that I will do that on the anniversary of our wedding. He would have liked that idea I am sure. Once I am tucked away in one room working away on my projects, I will be able to settle down once again into a routine that will suit me to the end of my days and let me accomplish everything that he wanted. 

It is interesting to look back on our 54.5 years together. We married young (I was just 20 years of age and he was 23 years of age) and in our first apartment we had a stack of wedding presents which started out our married life. I had my clothing and other personal items and Edward had already been living on his own so had acquired some things besides his personal items. From that beginning we managed to fill to the brim this house (mostly Edward as I am not much of a shopper and tend towards minimalism). Now at the end of these 54.5 years I am downsizing following his ideas and the rooms are gradually becoming emptier. The ability to scan makes a big difference as all of the original items can go to the researchers in his various lines. Genealogy is not the most preferred hobby of our children but perhaps not surprising as they spent many many hours in graveyards copying down material for their Dad. However, they always looked at all the charts and things with great interest because that was part of their Dad's life and they wanted to be there. But actually pursuing genealogy that is not likely to happen although they will maintain the records that he created and follow the DNA matches at least with respect to how they match not connecting with people. I have set up tables and charts to make that easy to do and it is all online. So now the preparation begins to downsize me (which includes everything now) and we move forward each week with that project. My one room concept looms largely in my brain as I do not want my children encumbered by too many details when death reaches out for me and I too join the ancestors. 

Cleaning Day two and must get on with that plus I did not quite finish yesterday's cleaning so will be a full day of cleaning likely. 

Looks like rain again today and that is a good thing. Must check the peppers to see how they are growing; we should have a few. The tomatoes have been quite beautiful. Lettuces are finished but still parsley and dill for the salmon. The sunflowers are struggling but the rain might help. A lot of cutting down this year in the garden and must get to that as well. The grass is greening up and once the cooler weather comes I will do some grass seed. Gardening is not something that interests me a great deal but will do in Edward's memory. He hated messy yards. 

Church on YouTube has certainly been a boon for me and when one doesn't work I can watch another. I do not see myself actually going to Church unless I go with my children. I missed the service but having that ability to have Church on YouTube at home has been wonderful. 

Breakfast awaits.

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