Monday, August 29, 2022

Historical look back at Homo sapiens

Defending women is a normal stance in the homo sapiens population. After all they bear the next generation within themselves so not protecting them is shooting yourself in the foot. When an entire population decides to put women in second place what are they really saying? Education is a very important part of the human condition. It is why we are now in this century  looking at having an orbiting moon station that gives access to any part of the moon. We do not yet know the significance of the moon in our sphere other than it gives us light by night. What could be on the moon that would be helpful to earth other than that? We do need to find that out plus it puts us out in the universe just that little bit more. I firmly believe we were meant to travel the universe. There is much to see out there and doing so will improve the human existence which is the most important part of life for homo sapiens. But the human existence includes everyone and not permitting the female side of the human existence, which creates and produces within themselves the future generation, to flourish at their best is a mistake. Education is the most important thing in our lives besides being able to take care of ourselves. The more a woman is educated the more her children are educated and productive members of society.

Today is cleaning day once again. I enjoy cleaning days as it means order out of misplacement. When there is order it is so much easier to do everything. Order is also what has brought us to this point in time. Disorder is a mistake and easily hides intrusion.

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