Saturday, August 20, 2022

Kayaking and walking

We are enjoying the kayaking and walking most days. Although it is warm at the moment, the walk has been very helpful to my foot which is gradually getting stronger and stronger. I am putting in between 16,000 and 18,000 steps per day again and that is good news. I run perhaps 20 minutes per day working my way back up to 40 minutes per day. 

I am in the process of scanning items at this time getting ready to do some more shredding. The documents that I am shredding are just copies anyway and originals can be acquired once again but having the electronic copy is handy. I am thinking ahead to the next two issues of the Kipp Newsletter in this case. Not sure how long I will keep this going but it is publishing all of Edward's work over the last fifty plus years on his Kipp family all in one place. He has his tree online at World Connect with all the sources anyway but this just simply adds to that. 

Still contemplating the next Blake Newsletter as the search for information on a William Blake married to an Ann Cole is not producing much information other than the writings of people known to have produced invalid material on the Blake family. But I will continue with the pursuit for a while longer. 

Today lawn cutting and clipping of bushes and plants at the front. I need to weed around the bricks in the laneway as well. When I can afford it I will get the laneway redone and will get large slabs instead of blacktop I think. Will have to price that out and when I have the desire to have my laneway dug up which is probably going to be a mess! Maybe I will sell it first.  Other than that another beautiful Saturday although rain is promised for the end of the weekend into next week. 

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