Monday, August 8, 2022

Kayaking weekend

 I have always loved canoeing since childhood and we canoed for all the years of our marriage until Edward could no longer do that but kayaking is perhaps the new sport of my old age. I spent the weekend kayaking and it helped to clear my brain. I highly recommend it as a therapeutic  tool and just plain fun. That and of course swimming but at different times! I also spent the weekend swimming in the lake and the water was beautiful. I haven't been swimming since last summer/fall. I think these two exercises work for older people really well. 

Cleaning day once again and I want to get all of the journals together from last year to give to the Ontario Genealogical Library Ottawa Branch library along with some maps that I had kept after the donation of most of Edward's books last year. I will not likely use them and can always go there if I actually feel the need to look at them. But I will not continue Edward's research; I will share it as much as I can and give away all the original images/pictures to members of his family that are researching the shared lines. 

Very dull out today and lots of rain has come down. It is wonderful how quickly Mother Nature can give us back the green grass once again. The trees must be heaving a great sigh of relief as this has been a dry summer once again until now. Hopefully this rain lasts a much longer time. 

On to the day; on to breakfast my favourite meal of the day. I think I am still rather shattered although certainly somewhat stronger mentally than last summer. The mind will take longer likely as the strain of planning and carrying out the Celebration of Life did rather prove to be more than I realized. I have set goals for myself that are somewhat difficult at my age but likely attainable in the long run. Day by day I simply have to school myself to carry on with my intentions and move forward as Edward would have wanted me to do. We planned our lives to be together always watching our children grow old around us and the surprise grandchildren continue to amaze as they too age around now only me and the memory of Edward.

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