Thursday, August 11, 2022

Moving forward on research

Completing the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter means I am now free to pursue the Blake Newsletter to be published 1st of October. I received a number of wills that could prove to be interesting from a member of the Blake Study. I understand from her that they prove a Blake-Cole connection . This also refers to the Somerset Blake family and Horatio Gates Somerby's claims that Humphrey Blake was descendant of the Andover Hampshire family (disproved by wills). I do not see that I will have time to do the research at the Family History Library on the Somerset subsidies so think that perhaps I should move on to these particular wills if I have not already transcribed them. I will leave the Subsidies for the winter time (namely December) to publish in the 1st of January Blake Newsletter. 

That should make it easier for me to continue with the downsizing which is more readily accomplished in the summer time. There will be another load for the dump as we deconstruct the holder for the canoe, a pile of metal fencing which I will not use and still more wood and a number of smaller items that I no longer use. They are not really suited for resell so will not give them to Salvation Army. That dump run is slated for the end of the month giving us several weeks to get everything together. We can then empty the garage fully and the car can be in there before the ice comes as chipping ice off of the windows is a chore especially on a cold day. 

This has been a week of going through boxes and checking the contents so that we know what is in them as I try to find cousins who are researching Edward's lines. Plus we are trying to get together Edward's mother's things to send to her eldest granddaughter. I continue amazed at how much we have as Edward literally had two bedrooms filled to the brim with items. But gradually we are itemizing and figuring everything out. I do regret not continuing helping him with his family tree as I branched into my own family lines after my DNA testing (definitely testing my DNA (along with my one cousin who wanted me to write a family profile for the Pincombe family) brought me to genealogy although I do not do regular genealogy like making many many trees in the present). All of my work is in the past working on the ancestors prior to my 2x great grandparents who are, by appearances, all known to me with the verification by a cousin descended from Thomas Taylor and Ellen Roberts (the parents of Ellen Taylor my great grandmother (and my maternal DNA line)) and DNA matches in my father's mother's line appear to point to his likely grandfather and his parents there. 

On to calisthenics as my day is becoming normalized once again; change always leaves one slightly off kilter.

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