Sunday, August 21, 2022

On being old

I am old now approaching seventy seven years. Seven years ago when I turned seventy I wrote in my blog thinking that I would be really slowing down with my research by the time I was stretching up towards eighty. But will I? I appear to just be getting older with a few more slowdowns in my life as I continue to recover from nursing Edward the last year plus of his life. I pushed myself to the limit really although was not aware of that until after he passed from this life. You just get up and do what needs to be done day after day and then suddenly it all stopped as COVID restricted visiting and I was at home all day rearranging everything to get ready to bring him home once again and return to nursing him but in a different way as he was bedridden. But that did not happen and instead we embarked on a goal of completing all of the items that he had in mind with respect to his research. We are not yet there but we are approaching that goal. I need to spend the Fall thinking about the material that we still have and start writing to people who might like to have the originals to preserve on into the future. We have scans of everything in case in the future one of Edward's line wants to pursue his research. It is pleasant to think of Edward's line; as time passes and I look back over our nearly fifty five years together I think of many pleasant memories. 

My own research continues much as it was except a little clearer perhaps as I start to look at individuals chosen partly because people write to me about them and because they appear whenever I start looking at one particular line or another. Publishing all of my research is the aim and all of the transcribed wills have been blogged and I receive probably a few emails monthly thanking me for putting the transcription on line as some of them are very hard to transcribe and I appear to have a talent at that ability. 

Yesterday I increased my fast walk to five kilometres for the third day in a row. The effect on my foot is very promising and I am pleased with the result. Really I should give physiotherapy a try but it is complicated to do that these days. Not for actually getting a prescription and then going to the physio at the end of my street; that is easy but I am not here all the time anymore and so I continue following the advice that I received when I hurt my knee except I extend it to my foot and carry on. Thus far it is working very well and I am pleased with the result. I do not expect my muscles to return to the eighteen year old who could run like the wind but it is nice to feel that I could try to do that!

Church on YouTube today and I am enjoying this special privilege given to us by this modern century. God must be pleased that all corners of the earth can now sign in and learn about Jesus online. It is a wondrous development in the world. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. They are fighting back and doing well. Strange that Russia and China do not understand the aim of the democracies. After all we helped them when they needed help when China was invaded before the Second World War and Russia when she was invaded during the Second World War. We help people who are the under dog - that is our way. Democracies have a right to exist too in this world. The right of people to determine their own fate brings out the best in people most times although there are ever present examples of people who are divisive and only care about themselves and will undermine anything to get their way and they base it on all sorts of ideas. But in the long run the human existence has survived because people are free to pursue the thoughts in their minds that make life better for all. Our biggest challenge is Climate Change; it shouldn't be war. War destroys the world where it exists.

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