Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Rain today; no golfing

We planned this as our golfing outing but not likely as it looks like rain all day which is very needed. The ground is still so very dry. The weather patterns are out of whack and put out of whack by us. We need to concentrate on fixing that problem for sure. We can do it; I firmly believe. We have come so far in this human existence that it just doesn't seem possible that we can not fix it but it will take effort on our part. 

Checked the Pincombe Newsletter to see if it had captured what I wanted to look at for this issue. The talk by Dr Joe Flood quite prompted me to look at a particular area of this family and now I can see two more issues having information that will help to link together some of these branches of the family. My own line did not wander far from North Molton until they did. Now just a few of the direct line of Robert Pincombe and Elizabeth Rowcliffe live in England proportionately speaking compared to the numbers that now live in Australia, Canada and the United States. Interesting how quickly a family can become separated from its cousins - first cousins keep in touch but second cousins may or may not and then third and fourth scarcely know that they are related. Not having any first cousins; I attach more importance to second cousins that they themselves likely do to my line! But I start to wander after that and have left all of that family accumulation of information to my younger sister so do fit the mold somewhat. 

The second cleaning day of the week but it is the basement only and I can generally accomplish that in just a couple of hours in the morning now. That is a big change but then it is now a more than half empty room so not surprising. I want to rearrange boxes to make the cleaning easier in every room so will do some of that today as well. 

Fall is definitely coming; the birds are flocking preparing for their great migration south. The animals are collecting foodstuff. The sunflowers have barely gone to seed and they are lopped off and taken away to some hidden place for winter storage. There are still quite a few blooms to ripen for the squirrels which generally collect them here. 

Less and Less of the sky is apparent through the trees these days. I would anticipate that next summer I will be down to just 5 to 10% when I look out the window of my workroom. Given the heat of this summer though the trees will provide a lot of shade and cut down on the amount of air conditioning needed. This past few days has been quite excessive for August I rather think. 

I shall continue working on the next Blake newsletter extracting information from the parish registers of Burbage and Calne in Wiltshire.  Finding the records that bring these two Blake lines together was very interesting. I still wonder if the South Newton group are also descendant of Calne but can not assume without proof.

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