Thursday, August 11, 2022

Raspberry bushes slowly being thinned

I am busy thinning out the old raspberry bushes which opens up the back of the garden for planting next year. Not sure how it will work out to have a row of raspberries down the middle but time will tell plus the top half really did not grow anything very well anyway - it is too dark now with all the trees. The back, however, tends to be bathed in sunlight for most of the morning. 

The sunflowers are starting to bloom which will be a pleasant sight through August. Starting to remove the rabbit fences because definitely the end of the summer is approaching. The days are shortening and the nights are cooler. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. One wonders why Russia hates the West so much; is it hate or jealousy or both. Jealousy results in hate I often think. The West helped both Russia and China when the Nazis were out to control the world so why would they wonder why we help Ukraine and Taiwan? What right does a country have to claim land just because it was once part of their sphere? Why not let millions of people that live in Ukraine and Taiwan have their own future? the countries demanding that they be part of their country do not exactly have a greatest humanness record? People do so much better when they are free to pursue their lives; the greatest inventions come from a free minded people not those forced to live under rules that benefit a few.  Nazis are greedy trying to steal land that is not theirs.

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