Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Slowly getting everything in place

Gradually I am sorting to make it easier for me to get at things and to have empty surfaces for cleaning. Today I have now accomplished that for several rooms and will continue the good work. The closets are again bulging as they were along with several rooms just a year and a half ago. We have taken an amazing amount out of this house - thousands of books for a starter and bookcases that housed them. We have taken a lot to Salvation Army because they still had life in them and it helps people to buy the items they want but can not afford the full price. We made a few mistakes like taking our box of four extension cords to Salvation Army but they likely got a good price for them and I do not use them anyway since I gave the generator to my children. 

Today I will put the Pincombe Newsletter up online so that I can send a note to the study tomorrow for that. Still working on the next Blake Newsletter but it will be ready to go before long and then I would like to get back to transcribing the wills (over 1500 of them still to do). I will also work on getting them into *,pdf files so that I can give them to Family Search perhaps if they want them. 

Other than that the sorting of paper continues as I try to figure out what I need to keep and what can go. I have gradually let some paper go but it takes me a while to decide what to keep and what can be shredded. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. Sad that Mikhail Gorbachev has passed away. He was one of Russia's great men I think. He worked so hard for his country and didn't abuse them by pretending to care but just amassing a great fortune for himself like Putin the Oligarch. The future of Russia was important to him and he saw his people as becoming their own caretakers with a democratic system of government. Prayers for Mikhail Gorbachev as well. 

A sunny day thus far but rain is once again mentioned. Likely no golfing again today; not enough time and maybe not until next spring. However, we have been out once and will go again since we both enjoyed it. 

On to the day!

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