Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Task to be done after Edward's Celebration of Life

Unfortunately I wasn't asked for the Cremation Certificate after interring Edward in the Columbarium on the 5th of August but the marvels of modern computers let me send that information in as a scan. I never thought of it but I wasn't really thinking that clearly to be honest. It was always with the Urn so in the bag when we left after the Celebration of Life. Yesterday I had made arrangements to take the Certificate into the Church after my daughter's meeting (she would drive me) and I took the time to go into the Church and say my usual departing prayer from my childhood whenever the end of the service came. It was a wonderful experience to do that but I was too confused after the Celebration of Life to remember to do that. I have missed going to Church in the actual building but the You-Tube Service is probably the best for me. Then I delivered the Certificate to the Administrative Officer Josephine who was in conversation with one of the Ministerial Staff. I did not like to take up their time so simply handed it over and left quickly. I had only seen Josephine once so was not sure that it was her so asked that question. It took all of the space of five minutes I think and I was back in the car and headed home. It will be up to my children where they bury me but I am content to have put Edward in such a beautiful location where he very much enjoyed the music and the choirs. I love my Church but I go to the Cathedral because it is the Mother Church of the Ottawa Diocese and I can contribute my tithe to the work of the Diocese in that way. I did like St Helens but again I would still have a problem getting there because I must drive so being at the Cathedral with the service on You-Tube is perfect. 

I think the big thing to remember about a Church is that the people who support the Church are the long termers - priests come and go but the people continue to contribute no matter who the priest is because time moves onward and so do they. I may not get back to Christ Church Cathedral again for a long time but the You-Tube lets me be there every week. Taking the train is fine for me but also troublesome as I am getting older and I am never comfortable going about on my own in downtown Ottawa. Driving is really out of the question in downtown Ottawa. I no longer know the streets that well. I still do drive but only in a very restricted fashion where I know the roads very well.

It is always very very busy in downtown Ottawa in the summer and in general we have always avoided going downtown then except on Sunday mornings when we went to Church, Edward and I. I am still reminded of the Truck Convoy when we are in the downtown area and very cautious as a result. One never knows if there are still lurkers from that encampment that totally chocked our City. I feel no regret at the manner in which they were evicted. They broke so many of our bylaws that any one of us would have been arrested. They were tolerated for three weeks but did not leave and so they were removed. One would hope that the government would always react in such a way. It was methodical and well organized and no one was injured. Our streets were clear once again as they should be in a capital city. Why should just a few people get to dominate the city and take away everyone's rights while supposedly expressing their opinion. They could have expressed their opinion in just one day but they came here as anarchists and left that way pretty much still causing mayhem wherever they could. Now they are fighting over a building that they want to convert to some sort of a protest area but the landlord is fortunately having them evicted for causing trouble. These people do not appear to understand the rules at all. 

Life moves onward and slowly I am feeling my way in widowhood. There is much for me to do in this time and I shall try to do all of it. I continue with my discussion on the early Blake records in the Calendar of Patent Rolls. There are still a number of them to examine as to their value in looking at the Wiltshire Blake family at Calne. There are still other record sources to examine as well. Particularly the Wiltshire Subsidies come to mind and they will have the same difficulty as the Somerset Subsidies - I need to go to the Family History Research Centre to look at them. 


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