Sunday, August 14, 2022

The message of Jesus

 One of the Daily Bible Readings is from Psalms 81-82. I capture the portion of the text below that most captures for me the message that Jesus brought to us:

When all the other gods
   have come together,
the Lord God judges them
   and says:
“How long will you
keep judging unfairly
   and favoring evil people?
Be fair to the poor
   and to orphans.
Defend the helpless
   and everyone in need.
Rescue the weak and homeless
from the powerful hands
   of heartless people.

The message of Jesus to us was to be fair to the poor and to orphans, to defend the helpless and everyone in need and to rescue the weak and homeless from the powerful hands of heartless people. That remains for me the work of the Church in our world. 

My weekly service on YouTube is already in my Inbox. It is my way of attending Church and at my age attempting the Queensway to park at Church when that too is difficult is not going to happen. I love Church of YouTube. We are following the wish of Jesus that we take His message to all the corners of the earth and the Internet can reach anywhere to let everyone see the love of Jesus for all mankind/womankind. His love is the greatest in the world and is there for anyone. 

Yesterday was a scanning day and that will continue today. It is so much easier to have everything scanned and the only real need is to keep on making sure that your files are intact and useable. The other value is that you can share everything that you know around the world. That should be one of the most important rights really; the right to own a computer and talk to anyone in the world without fear. When that can be done then we are truly free. There will always be laws to live by; we live by the rule of law and it is a good rule. No one should be able to trample on the rights of people. If you have a complaint then put it in writing and send it to the appropriate person and have your say. Wanting more than having your say does end up infringing on the rights of those around you. We must become a polite society and get rid of the warring tendencies amongst us. But also the tendency of some people to abuse the rights of people by pretending to support and look after them when really it is only to build up a huge fortune for yourself. 

As I approach 77 I shall have less and less to say about the world around me and more time to concentrate on my research and getting Edward's research published. I believe at 77 I will no longer discuss world politics. What will be will be. My little voice in the world will not change anything; the Nazis of the world namely Putin and his enablers will eventually meet their doom and time will cast them into the same mould as Hitler and his ilk. Until then we must keep him caged so that he can not harm anyone else. Prayers for Ukraine as always and help for them to fight this illegal war that Russia is waging against them.

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