Monday, August 8, 2022

Wake up call

Tensions are on the rise once again in Asia and they continue in Ukraine. Is there a point to all of this other than greed for land. I do not really see anything beyond that in actuality. Does just having the common DNA of a group define us or is it our humanness our ability to compromise when the earth needs a compromise. We do not need wars; they kill people particularly children. They destroy what has been built and all for what? One has to wonder about that; what is wrong with peace. Peace means prosperity for the people of the world. War means hatred being built up amongst nations against nations. One wins far more by kindness and acceptance. If a larger country makes it appealing to be part of their group then it is far more likely to happen in a peaceful way. But force seldom works; it breeds hate. 

Every autocrat simply makes use of a situation in order to gain what they want and greed for land continues to be the worst because you end up killing people particularly children and they are the future. 

China with its back to the wall in the 1930s received a lot of help from the very people whom they are now accusing  of undermining them. Is there no respect for that freely offered help when it was needed desperately. The free world helped China and wanted that country too succeed and we still want that for the peoples of China. China has come a long way in seventy years since the end of the second world war. The people of China are becoming prosperous and being part of the world that we all live in. Why throw all of that away; make friends with Taiwan and perhaps one day your friendship will be everything you want it to be. Forcing friendship never works. A world at war doesn't help anyone. 

My thoughts have been so inward this last little while but the world continues to move onward towards an uncertain future. One wonders like the ancestors of old is this the time; is this the time for the second coming of Jesus? It does spell the end of the world. No one survives in our present bodily form. Explorers of the future will come upon our burnt up planet if it still exists and hasn't been blown to pieces and will wonder about the civilization that lived here. It would be so much better to still be that civilization and tell them ourselves how we moved beyond war and greed and the desire to control. All we peoples in the Western Hemisphere want is peace for all; we have watched as Europe and Asia have been ripped apart in wars through this past century. Peace wonderful peace; let it be all around us.

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