Tuesday, August 16, 2022


 No research done as the weeding just presented itself as a needed item and so I spent a while doing that. Past the middle of August and the long shadows of the night are very apparent now as Fall slowly closes in on us. Still warm in the day with bright sunshine but the end of the summer is in the air as we enjoy these last couple of weeks of August. My mother always used to say enjoy these days (as we were impatient to get back to school again) as they will not come again until next summer. I generally spent them reading as I became more and more accomplished and started to read the newly purchased Encyclopaedia. I was a walking dictionary really as a child. But I enjoyed being like that. With such a big family, people were not very important to me in terms of friendships. I actually didn't want friends as a child - they called on you in inopportune moments and disturbed my reading frankly. Then my mother would make me go and play. She would say they are an only child; be kind and play with them for the day. My mother had many close friends and she thought that was very important to have friends.I am ambivalent in that regard and just let my children do their own thing just being there to bind up sore knees or sadness whenever it occurred. I really did not see myself as a "guidance person" recommending this or that. 

Today will probably be another weeding day. I should have weeded all summer like I have for the past dozen years but I just could not bring myself to interrupt the idea my daughter had of Restorative Gardening. It does work probably but one must pull the weeds at some point and just bury them perhaps so that they fertilize the soil. But the plants need breathing room; especially cultivated plants that do not have the genes to fight off invasive weeds!

All in all it has been a busy summer and we will just enjoy the last couple of weeks with kayaking and walking. Let the Fall take care of itself perhaps. Time will tell.

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