Monday, August 15, 2022

Yesterday's blog

 Yesterday's blog could have said so much more really. The Psalms carried the message that Jesus would eventually bring and die for and that wasn't a message made up just to benefit individuals who use the media to make themselves look good. Constantly changing their message to suit the times. But Jesus was the real man; the man who cared for the millions and died for everyone. There was no greed in Jesus He simply came to bring the message that the Psalms had brought to us earlier and wasn't being heard. Is the message being heard today? 

Premier Ford here in Ontario did well during the COVID Pandemic because he left the care of the people of Ontario up to the experts. But now the pressure is off and he returns to his old ways of not supporting Health Care and trying to turn it back into a business instead of a social need. As I stood in a lineup a month ago trying to get my tetanus booster on a Sunday morning having been into the rusty wire by then twenty four hours earlier, I marveled at the patience of people (including myself) standing in that long lineup in the hot sun waiting for the Urgent Care Centre to open having been told at the Emergency the day before that I would wait until the next morning anyway for a shot so might as well go to the Urgent Care Centre. That was fine; I had no difficulty with that I was simply heading off any medical problems that would use up the resources of the Medical Care System if I did not take care of it. 

I do not want to see people needing medical care on the streets; I just want it to be there for them. So yes, we need to protect the system by not abusing it and by taking good care of ourselves. Live a good lifestyle, exercise regularly and eat properly. Medical care, fire protection, police protection are all services that we need to pay for and protect. 

Another work week and I shall work on the Blake Newsletter. I had a look at the will that I was sent and do not think it aids me in my chosen research topic this time. However, I will pursue the research topic because I would like to see if there is anything that I can find that shows a William Blake marrying an Ann Cole and being the progenitors of Blake families in southern England. 

Another beautiful day.

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