Monday, September 12, 2022

A bit foggy and cooler today

Woke up before sunrise but could see the fog in the streetlights and it was around 14 degrees celsius and now 17 degrees celsius and the fog is mostly gone. No sunrise today. Gradually I will continue to be up before sunrise and to bed at 9:00 pm. I enjoy that lifestyle and have lived it most of my life. I was always so exhausted at the end of the day with children that I went to bed when they did. Then when I went back to work I was generally in bed before anyone else! Edward would wake me up later and we would share some quiet time together - sometimes it meant donning my winter clothes and going out in the backyard to see the stars. We had a lot of fun times. 

Today I want to get back to my work on the Blake family at Calne broken up with my usual exercise routines - lifting weights, running, calisthenics and walking. All can be done inside although I generally walk outside with the dogs. Sadly the cat has passed away. Brady will be much missed but likely replaced in the future once the sadness of losing him has passed somewhat. Perhaps two cats this time so that they have each other. The dogs and the cat were good friends but Brady was lonely and would have liked a friend I rather think. A house full of animals is always a treat. We had a bunny (Peter) that was greatly treasured by all of us. He was underfoot but a very neat and tidy bunny for sure. He did chew though so one had to prepare a room before he could go into it. At least he didn't chew the woodwork which was rather a relief. He stuck mostly to wires and paper (and of course food!). 

I shall watch the funeral procession from the Palace of  Holyroodhouse to St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh today. We walked the Royal Mile a number of times when we were in Edinburgh. We toured Holyrood Palace as well and went to St Giles Cathedral. The Royal Mile is a walk through History for sure and Queen Elizabeth II will very much be a big part of the history of mankind from her birth in 1926 to her death in 2022  She has lived a life of duty and love for the British people and the British Commonwealth. 

Will I ever go to England again? I do not actually think I will although my fingers crave to go through more of the documents at Kew. Fortunately if the desire is great enough I can get documents scanned for me and have them emailed (the cost is not actually that great when you consider the cost of the trip!).



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