Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Cleaning and working

Another day of cleaning and working as Fall makes its appearance felt. It is cooler now and lots of rain to green up the grass before winter comes. 

Worked a little on the Blake documents for the Wiltshire Blake family. I want to complete that for the next Blake Newsletter. I would call Blake a medium to large sized study. There are, by yDNA evidence, a number of founding families for the Blake surname in the British Isles. Some have certainly come as emigrants in the 1330 to 1550 period when nearly 40 Blake entries are found in that particular register. But the Calendar of Patent Rolls show a number of Blake families in the British Isles from the early 1200s on. Were they there before that (using the surname Blake)? It is a mystery even yet as I have not been through all the sets of documents held by the National Archives of the UK. That will be years in the discovery for sure. Anything less would not be respectful of the Blake families that now live in the British Isles. One must do as complete a search as is possible. 

Russia has called for a mobilization of 300,000 to try to wrest Ukraine from the Ukrainians. What they haven't accomplished thus far they hope to now do. They will go down in history as murders, rapists and thieves instead of that bright spot that was Russia before Putin where science and the arts flourished amongst a people who were engaged with the world. Now they let a despot ruin their country because he and his enablers are so greedy. They make up lies about the why of it all but basically it is greed. They are desperate for China and other countries to fly to their aid and help them fight claiming that they are being endangered by NATO but the reality is that they started a war by invading a sovereign state all for greed. So now they will try to put all these men into the field hoping that by sheer might of forces they can win. Their entire lack of respect for the human race is unbelievable.  The ignorant comment by one of their newspeople that they should have nuked the Queen's Funeral has become a typical statement from them. Leaders from all over the world had gathered to say goodbye to an honest and great woman and that they would even say what they did is undeniably ignorant. When Russia was clinging to life under the Nazi firepower, it was the British seamen who risked life and limb to bring supplies across the northern route to help Russia in those perilous hours. The Russians have no respect; even people who have aided them in the past when they were invaded are threatened by them.

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