Tuesday, September 20, 2022

King Charles III - long may he live

I have now been alive for three monarchs - King George VI, Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III. I hope to see Canada continue as a Constitutional Monarchy. First of all I like the idea of having a Head of State that is not political. Politics are at best, a means to have democracy, and at the worst a place where some people attack another politician just because his mother or brother made money and he needs to know how much and why they were able to do that. Really it is  none of our business unless it is illegal which it was not. It was just meant to embarass; no other reason. I hope to see politics clean up its act rather than follow the politics seen in other countries. Argue about the issues; there are plenty but the party not in power doesn't do that because they do not intend to do what needs to be done either - like fund the military properly amongst others including minimum income for everyone over 18 that is a Citizen of Canada and not in prison. So instead they do character assassination of which I am very tired. 

Secondly, I look forward to King Charles III as head of the Commonwealth. I am the first to admit that imperialistic conquest is wrong; we have moved past (at least trying if Russia will only stop their murderous rampage in Ukraine) that but there is an opportunity to help all the members of the Commonwealth if they can move past their grievances and get good trade going and a preferential status for members of the Commonwealth within the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is almost one third of the world's peoples spread all around the globe. We can be a very effective trading group and we have something in common. After all at the end of the American Revolution and the War of 1812 Canada was mostly sidelined in the treaties that followed. We all have complaints against imperialism but in the long run our Westminster System of government has stood all of us in good stead and the continuing loyalty of the Royal Family to all of its dominions and provinces around the globe hasn't hurt us at all.

Today is a cleaning day and I hope to get back into my looking at the records from the Discovery Catalogue. I would like to complete that for the next newsletter.

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