Saturday, September 3, 2022

Our Wedding Anniversary

This would have been our 56th Wedding Anniversary and I have celebrated that by donating to the support of the Ottawa Branch of Ontario Ancestors for the use of the library. I received the latest newsletter from the Ottawa Branch which mentioned that the number of books now in the system that Edward wanted donated to them is nearly at the one thousand mark. I will try to keep that memory of his love for genealogy alive by donating yearly to the support of the Branch Library. Many people do search out their ancestors (including my own forays into that since 2003 when I first actually thought about what I did not know about my ancestors (and with a push from my cousin George DeKay who wanted me to write a profile of my Pincombe Family for the Westminster Township History Book he was editing)). I, probably like a lot of people, actually thought I knew all about my ancestors. After all my father was born in England and came to Canada with his parents in 1913; my maternal grandmother was born in England and emigrated to Canada in 1908 that left just one line my maternal grandfather who was born in Canada as was his mother but they were both descendant of people who were born and died in England except for the parents of my great grandmother who emigrated to Canada in 1818 (and were my first Canadian emigrants - Thomas Routledge and Elizabeth Routledge (second cousins twice removed and members of the Oakshaw Routledge Family)). I must admit though what really attracted me was doing my DNA; that opened a world to me that had interested me in my university days when DNA was first described and drawn. I couldn't wait to get into that pursuit but it did wait while I figured out my Pincombe line to put it into the History Book but along the way I had a lot of help from my Pincombe cousins in the London, Ontario area. It was a combined process with their input and the result was really quite good although one name got left out because I didn't call George but sent an email not thinking he was probably getting hundreds of them every day. So the Siderfin 3x great grandmother (mother of Elizabeth Rew married to John Pincombe) did not make it into the history book but is everywhere now in terms of my reporting of the Pincombe family. But that is the way of genealogy; it just grows and my sister has a huge tree to prove that. I am more into going back in time and not so much on the present so we make a good team. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. Fourty four million people make up the country of Ukraine. They have nearly a million military people fighting to keep their homeland free from the Nazi Russians who are just land stealers like Hitler and his Nazis. We must keep supporting the Ukraine in their desire to have their country to themselves. For many generations the wall between Russia and Ukraine will have to be an iron curtain to keep the Russian Nazis out. They are jealous of the Ukrainians like the Bible says and what they are doing makes no sense; they are chasing the wind and killing children in Ukraine. How disgusting.

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