Friday, September 30, 2022

The end of September is here

The end of September and one can sense winter in the background as we are now well into Fall. No snow yet but there is yet another frost advisory. It can not be too far away for sure. Winter has always been my favourite season by far. The long nights and shorter days give me plenty of working time and I have a lot of plans to get work done this winter. So much transcription to do of all those wills (nearly 2000) and my newsletters to keep up. Once the war is over in Ukraine I can go back to publishing the H11 Newsletter as well. Would that it be over soon. It is sad to see so many young men die that do not need to. Nobody needs to fight wars; talk about it; compromise and come to agreements. Stop the killing especially of the children caught in war. They have no escape; their lives are controlled by adults and bombing civilians is disgusting. 

I  find it interesting that the Queen of Denmark has taken away the Prince/Princess designation for her younger son's children. That was very opportune especially at this time when Harry and Megan appear to be demanding that their children be Prince and Princess even HRH to which they are not entitled as neither they nor their parents are working royals. I will avoid all the discussion around Harry and Megan in the future. I can only think that Diana would be very disappointed by Harry. She certainly felt William had good ideas and was worth listening to.He has proven to be very much her son in his caring ways with his people. Not trying to fracture anything; just constantly building up.

On to the day. I have published my next issue of the Blake Newsletter although will send out the email tomorrow.  The day is new and no rain; if you said that Canada has a rainy season than this is it into winter when all the snow falls. When we really need the rain is in July and August when vegetables and fruits are ripening!

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