Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Ukraine and Russia

Ukraine has reached the border with Russia in their forcing the Russian military out of their country. Russia would do well to heed that they stopped at the border. One would like to see Russia stay as it was pre 2014 and earlier with regard to places like Georgia; a wonderful nation that has existed for a thousand years perhaps not quite the same borders but in essence the country of Russia has been part of the world scene for a very long time.  There has been so many wonderful creations that have come out of Russia. One could wish that they return to being that sort of nation showing the world their abilities in business, the arts, the sciences, and athletics. Attacking a sovereign nation (Ukraine) was inherently wrong in our modern society. They have murdered over a thousand children - surely a crime against humanity; children are the future. Little people who can not defend themselves; who have no idea of war. That is pretty hard to forgive and forget. We did do it at the end of the Second World War in order to bring everyone into a peaceful world. We can try to do that again and welcome Russia back into the world's beloved nations. But there is something they have to do; get out of Ukraine including the Crimea. Putin and his enablers are leading Russia down a very sad path but it is for the people of Russia to rid themselves of such a tyrant that he would send young men (little more than children) into war against a neighbour; against cousins. 

Where will China be with regard to Russia's attack on a sovereign nation? If they would attack one nation they would attack any. Their excuse for attacking Ukraine is pretty lame. It is simply land and wealth greed - like the Nazis of the Second World War. The most ancient population is in Ukraine - they represent the descendants of the first peoples who have gone all over the world from the ancient Ice Refuge Ukraina including my own maternal line which ended up in Scotland thousands of years ago. 

Russia and China are both descendant of quite old generations but looking at the Western Hemisphere one is now thinking in terms of perhaps 30,000 years or more ago that the first migrants reached the shores from Asia/Oceania and perhaps even Europe and Africa. As the archaeological trail widens one never knows what one might find.

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