Saturday, October 1, 2022

Blake Newsletter published on the Blake yDNA study at FT DNA

The latest issue of the Blake Newsletter is on the website. This is the last issue of Volume 11 and on to Volume 12. Quite unbelievable really. One reward that I gained was looking at a tree on WikiTree and an individual had made note of Somerby's errors with the Nicholas Blake family of Andover and mentioned them whilst showing his own line in Somerset. The news has gotten out which is great; correcting these errors is very very important. 

As the world turns where do we go from here. Russia has now made a fraudulent claim to lands of Eastern Ukraine which belong to Ukraine as a sovereign nation. Putin says he will defend that claim with any means at his disposal including nuclear. No regard for his own soldiers; the soldiers of Ukraine or the people living there who have not been able to flee mostly because Putin's military keeps attacking escape convoys. The Ukraine response to the illegal steal of land is to apply to join NATO - they are smart to do that. Putin could have had a neutral Ukraine but he is greedy and ignorant. He claims that the Soviet Union's downfall was NATO but the truth is the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union - the loss of military people, equipment and the costs of the invasion brought down the Soviet Union. Putin is destroying Russia - the Russia of Peter the Great - by his illegal war against Ukraine (a sovereign state). As punishment for breaking international law the veto power of Russia in the Security Council should be removed until Russia proves itself worthy to once again hold a veto power. They are a danger to the world but especially to their neighbours with their threats of nuclear detonations.  Putin is like a two year old child screaming that he wants something. Does he also have dementia along with a host of other illnesses that people mention? Anyone who behaves like a two year old definitely should not be managing a country full of people but as always that is for the Russian people to decide - are they all so greedy that they thirst for blood even knowing that the destruction of the world is at stake? Running away doesn't help Russia; defend Russia and her right to be a country where all of her citizens have rights and not just the lapdogs of Putin. 

On to the next Newsletter and it is the fourth issue of the Kipp Newsletter. I remain ambivalent about this Newsletter; I am doing it in memory of my husband and his research knowing that I have not been an active participant in his research for over a decade. Initially my only forays into genealogy were helping him look items up in repositories and recording gravestones but as DNA hit the shelves I found that I was interested in my parent's surnames - my sister does the family genealogy so have not put much into that unless I need it to understand matches. Her tree is huge compared to mine and she enjoys doing that. I can always look at her tree as need may be!

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