Saturday, October 15, 2022

Continuing with the process of assigning matches to database etc

When I finally stopped working yesterday I had just twenty five matches left to do and hope to complete them today. I had forgotten some of the really neat matches on the different lines where I actually know who those people are and can place them accurately in the family tree. I do believe that my idea of phasing the great grandparents is very feasible. I just need to decide on colours. I suspect a dark green and a light green could do Buller/Taylor, then black and grey for Blake/Knight, light purple and dark purple for Rawlins/??Cotterill perhaps still thinking about that, light orange and dark orange for Pincombe/Gray. The male lines will be the dark colours (Edward Blake, Edwin Denner Buller, Cotterill?? and William Robert Pincombe) and the female lines will be the light colours (Ellen Taylor, Maria Jane Knight, Elizabeth Rawlins, and Grace Gray). It is interesting to actually be at this point. Plus it is a diversion to occupy me for the next six weeks and keep my mind busy and active. 

Is this a process that helps me at all? Perhaps when I have a match in a particular area then I can see the possibilities plus the limits on the lengths which could be helpful. Actually phasing  and selecting crossover points will be a challenge and not quite sure yet how I will do that. It may be that I can be systematic - time will tell on that. A system would be nice to have for sure. 

We are definitely well into Fall now with all the colours and frost most nights. I am looking forward to the snow as I do love the fresh snowfalls - they are absolutely beautiful. Although I carefully read all the news reports, I am in a waiting time now. Wait and see how life flows - as a small cog in a large machine each one of us individually has little effect on how life flows but the combined effort of many may yet lead us to that uplifted plain where everyone who deserves to be is happy and content.

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