Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Could it be that some people believe Nostradamus?

I mean some of his predictions were amazing but he hasn't been right 100% of the time; closer to 2/3rds perhaps but maybe those odds are good enough to be an alternate court in some people's minds. But to make it about race is probably a mistake after all the first wife of Henry VIII was bi-racial so not a first in the Royal Family as was Queen Charlotte married to King George III (although there appears to be some disagreement with that). Remembering the gauntlet that was run by Kate; I actually thought that Megan Markle had it easy. Kate was after all living outside of the Palace with no protection. But taking Harry away from the people of England; their prized prince whether or not he did it because he wanted to go or not isn't well regarded to put it mildly. Britain claims their royalty as their own and do not take well to anyone coming between their royalty and them. But then there is always Nostradamus to pin your hopes on! I think that Harry coming back though would end the Commonwealth. After all he spent three months whining in Canada and did nothing here for Canada and we did provide protection. King Charles III then Prince William and then Prince George and his heirs (or one of his siblings and their heirs whatever happens). That is definitely the way to go; goodbye Prince Harry.  Interesting to see if Harry has all of his titles stripped eventually; after all he did attack the Royal family and his comments were pretty lame to put it mildly.  The Royal Family is after all a family not a sitcom.

On to the day. Must work on the Kipp Newsletter - it is so much more difficult than my own newsletters and will likely take me the entire month to put it together. 

Thinking back on my thoughts of doing coursework on Autism, I may actually go ahead with that. I could do volunteer work with Autism in group settings. The coursework I did on Group Therapy would come in handy as I never really went beyond that one course as my cousin dragged me into working on my Pincombe family as he needed a Profile for them in the Wesrminster Township History Book. He already had fourty that he had to write as all of the family for those people had moved on and out of contact I presume - never asked. So I did take it on although took just a little more persuading than that! Getting into the Pincombe family history and then DNA testing becoming available I became completely submerged in that especially, after the Profile was done and published, the DNA work which has consumed me for the last sixteen years and continues to do so. But I could do the coursework on Autism starting in the Fall so will definitely look into that once again. Autism is an interesting quirk of human nature giving one very deep perception into particularly numerical types of work (for some) but the social side of autism doesn't really exist as one's mind is just too busy working on such fascinating things that you just never get around to being sociable although one still does do social things on occasion.

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