Saturday, October 8, 2022

Finally a good working day

Yesterday was a good working day - finally the brain has worked its way back into what I actually want to spend my time thinking about. I did like what the Finland Prime Minster said though about an off ramp for Putin - get out of Ukraine; that is the off ramp. Look to your east Putin; eastern Russia might soon become northern China and you wondered who your friends were. We didn't want you to lose all those soldiers and equipment in Ukraine weakening your military ability. NATO is not your enemy; it does appear that you are your own worst enemy.

I will say the Chinese people seem to be much better off economically than the Russian people. But autocracy is a pain to most of the people; democracy just has the problem of ignorant people who do not respect the rights of the rest of the people in a democracy. 

On to the day and more work to be done.


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