Monday, October 17, 2022

Matches completed and beginning the process of rephasing and then onto phasing great grandparents

 It has become a yearly event to once again go back to the basics and rephase my grandparents DNA using the four 23 and Me results of myself the three siblings. Then I merge in the fourth sibling. I like to do this everything I bring in a big set of matches (85 in this case). I am being much more restrictive in the matches these days and I have a number of new ones where the individual is part of a known tree. I always check these as they come in but I like to rework the phasing just to have a long look at all of the matches which also lets me take out matches that are not very long as I become more selective. 

With all matches entered and this being a slow time in matches and life it appears, I will now work on the phasing. I have planned up the next five weeks with that in mind. I will leave the Siderfin book until the winter time which suits me very well. 

I couldn't manage Church yesterday on YouTube but will attend today. I miss it when I do not attend Church. Praying for Ukraine and her peoples as always and praying for the Russian people who can not be happy with their young men dying on a battlefield that they do not want to fight over especially as the people are their kin. That they can find a way to halt all of this fighting - if they must love Putin then they must bring him to the realization that he is destroying their country and get him to get out of Ukraine. 

This has been a warmer spell the last few days with lots of rain - it is the rainy season which will soon change to snow and give us our wonderful white landscape so beautiful to look at out of the window.

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