Tuesday, October 11, 2022

My paternal grandmother's matches

I have not done a lot on my paternal grandmother's matches unless they are on the Rawlings line. Although her name, Ada Bessie Cotteril Rawlings seem to point to a likely father for her; I do not actually have concrete proof that this is correct and so I have rather ignored it. I have a lot of matches now for her line but unless they are Rawlings I haven't taken the time to really look at them in terms of trees and the like. I do know that the person suggested by available records to be her father married several times and they had eight children in total. But again I have not pursued any of this information beyond noting that particular item. I have a match (and there is an X chromosome match with my two sisters and myself although not really large so again I am suspicious of anything under 20 centimorgans in an X chromosome match). It could be very ancient and thus not useful. 

I actually have a lot of Rawlings matches which would include her father's line. My grandmother was happy in her family; her mother had married after she was born (not her natural father) and this stepfather treated her as one of his own. Her half siblings treated her as their full sister. There was never a push to know; my father didn't care although he did identify the occupation of this possible father which does assist with pinpointing him. I suspect this lack of interest stems from my grandmother having been raised in a loving family by her own mother and before her mother married she lived with her maternal grandparents and their youngest children so very much a loved part of the family. 

One is left to wonder; should I put time into this or wait until someone writes to me from her father's line as some of the matches are quite large? I suspect I will continue to just work away on the matches as they come in and continue filling out my phasing chart. I am considering moving back to my great grandparents and see if I am able to work on their phased DNA. I have a lot of matches and looking at the phased charts for the grandparents this is beginning to look quite feasible. 

In the meantime, the world waits for Russia to get out of Ukraine where they have no right to be. They are dragging the Belarusians in once again and I suspect that most of them do not want to be involved - they may feel that they will be next to feel the bombs of Russia's military as Putin tries to reconstitute the Soviet Union with himself as the warlord. I am sure that no one wants to be a slave in Putin's empire especially as he regards only people like him as "real" Russians and all the rest as second class people to be used as he wishes. 

I still wonder about that God moment when the bridge was like a huge inferno; I would think that only a very inside job could have done that - did Russia blow up their own bridge to justify bombing civilian areas once again (except it was an even bigger inferno than probably intended - God's work likely) - is this the butcher of Syria at work? Some Russians are sick animals and one knows what needs to be done with sick animals.

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