Monday, October 3, 2022

New Picture of King Charles, Prince of Wales and their wives

Loved the new picture of King Charles, Queen Camilla, Prince and Princess of Wales. Their smiles were so unlike their usual warm smiles as this was the night before the State Funeral but I am sure they were thinking of posterity and that glum faces for their first picture together would just be a constant forever sad reminder of the loss of Queen Elizabeth, their mother and grandmother so their small composed smiles were good to see. It is a beautiful picture to give to the British people (and the Commonwealth if not also the world which also enjoys seeing them) at this time of sorrow. It is a picture of the future and for the future. 

Monday again and the beginning of a new work week. Yesterday I had this sudden thought as my time here may draw to a close since I am occupying the guest bedroom that I could go back to work. Really health wise I have mostly recovered my stamina and my nervous condition now appears to be, given my age of 77 years, back under control. A basement apartment doesn't work for me with my arthritis. I will miss being with my grandchildren absolutely for sure but they are growing up with busy lives and I do not wish to be in the way. We will see if my suggestion of my putting a Grandparent Pod in their backyard would work. There are some quite nice small ones that are just really one room with a sleeping area and a living/dining area and then a small bathroom with a shower. That way I could still see the boys every day for a short time. Owning a house here at 77 years of age is something that I could not possibly take on.  I just need a spot for my computer and my books and that isn't a lot actually. I have all that in a small corner of the room I am in now. Time will tell on that. 

If I did go back to work, or perhaps do a volunteer job that has regular hours so that I feel like it is a job that is needed, if/when I return to my home for most of the time then that would work well for me likely. Volunteerism is something I did as a teenager; I used to be a visitor at Parkwood Hospital (now a senior retirement living centre) when I was a teenager. I started out visiting a friend of my grandmother's daughter who had multiple sclerosis and then after her mother was also admitted I visited her as well. Gradually I did visit with other people over the time that I was a visitor. It was interesting work and did inspire me to go into medicine although I did not follow that inspiration getting married instead it does appear. I was just very young at that time (twenty years of age when we married) and didn't really have concrete thoughts on how my life might flow. My interest in medicine mostly stemmed from my desire to be a medical missionary to Africa. That was a very long time ago now. 

Today I continue with the  Kipp Newsletter that I started yesterday.


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