Friday, October 7, 2022

Russian Draft Dodgers in Alaska

Risking coming across the Bering Strait in this weather, two young Russians have sought refuge from Putin's illegal war in Ukraine. How sad for Russia and a lesson to the rest of the world do not let demagogues undermine your political freedoms by being pretty people. They are only in it for themselves and the people who support them behind the scenes. The future of the world is dependent on peace so that prosperity can reign supreme in the entire world. Wanting in the present to not support the country as a whole is an indication of that type of warped theory that individual areas should have more control and give less in money (it is always about money) to support the country itself. Alberta has proven to be an example of that with their newest demagogue wanting to reset Confederation - except Alberta didn't exist at Confederation; we, Canada, created Alberta as a province and first and foremost the treaties and the rights of First Nations must be protected. The land in Alberta is Canada not the other way around

On to work today; I have been too busy thinking about politics and world events. Yesterday I had an email from the Conservative Party. I was a proud supporter of the Conservative Party for most of my life. But the current leader finally convinced me with his rhetoric in the past that this was not the party for me. Attacking a leader for what his mother and brother do isn't Canadian although I have not heard him say that for awhile I expect in the next campaign he will rant and rave about that again. I want the government to get into the business of climate change and what we need to do to help to diminish that effect and to build up the military. The last Conservative government claimed they would support the military but ended up destroying so many sections of government that I have lost count. Balancing the budget on the backs of tossing out old libraries and reduction of military equipment is ridiculous. Balance it by not wasting. I do not claim that the Liberals are any better. They simply do not annoy me as much. 

I think I have done all I can do on the Kipp Newsletter at the moment so will move on to the new matches (amazingly 85) to put them into my bookkeeping system and the Siderfin Book which I have meant to get back to for a while. 


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