Monday, October 24, 2022

Sky again as Fall gradually erodes the leaves

Nice to see the morning sky once again; the seasons come and go and the amount of sky I can see from my workroom window varies with the seasons. Although it was nice probably to have my leaves raked I also could have done it over time which is good to remember. I did give the people next door a lot of Edward's things and so they like to do things to help me out which is much appreciated of course. I still need to cut down the plants in the backyard and a few in the front still to do. Will work away at that this week. Car back in the garage once again. I do like to avoid scraping the windows if I can. 

Interesting sermon as he painted a vision of Christianity that I believe in; the Church is there to help people not a social club. I have always seen my Anglican Church that way and am highly supportive of that idea. 

Cleaning time begins once again and I shall see how much I accomplish today. I want to clean and reorganize closets over the next couple of weeks. Still downsizing as I want to be ready to move in a couple of years. The one room concept still predominates my mind but not quite there yet. There is still too much stuff. Mostly all of my stuff fits into one room except for living/dining equipment. But I still have a lot of Edward's stuff. In the past, cousins/friends would likely have collected some of Edward's things and people interested in their mutual family genealogy the same but we were now at the top of the triangle rather than with the masses lower down and so the number of people who would like to have his things has diminished.  

Every morning I look at the news to see if Russia has finally come to her senses and will get out of Ukraine but not the case even yet. I think perhaps their minds are gone; their ability to think like humans has disappeared. Not all of them, of course, lots of them are now tired of the war but they do not do anything about it. They must combine and end this destruction; stop killing their kith and kin. When it is all over any monies that Russia has in international funds should go immediately to rebuilding Ukraine. If necessary (and I think we should do it now) Peace Keepers should follow the Ukraine army  right to the border with Russia and keep the peace; we are tired of war especially imperialistic war. There is so much else to do with our money and talents in this world. We must keep supplying Ukraine with arms to fight Russia; this war continues to be genocide of the Ukrainian people; the second time in less than one hundred years that Russia has tried to destroy the Ukrainian people simply because they exist on land that they want. 

I am not blind to what is happening in other countries in the world but the War against Ukraine is huge and has the potential to be quite deadly in terms of the human race. Skirmishes within countries because people do not seem able to sit down and discuss issues or you have a crazy group of people who adhere to a code that belongs to mediaeval times have only one real solution but we have moved on from trying to handle people that are incapable of living with other people without being abusive by simply leaving them to be handled by the people of the individual countries and just look away. It is sad really but some countries have been maltreating peoples within their borders forever. We talk about it at the United Nations and condemn it but there is very little that we can do to stop it often enough although we have tried.

On to the day; breakfast is first; by far my favourite meal of the day. I was putting a square of 95% cocoa in my cereal but I have discovered I can just put a tablespoon of cocoa in and have the same effect so have simplified that process.

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