Sunday, October 16, 2022

Slow Day with just five matches assigned but a lot of thinking

It was a slow day yesterday with just five matches assigned. But I did do a lot of thinking about the phasing of grandparents. Hopefully I finish the other twenty matches today. 

Still looking at one match with someone in Australia and trying to decide where we are matching on our trees. I was ambivalent as to where the match was for awhile - could have been on either paternal or maternal. But Ancestry assigned it to my brother's paternal side and he is the best match. The assignment for me was unassigned. Rawlings line (my maternal grandmother) looked like it might be the one but I continue checking it out and when I do the great grandparent matching I may find the answer to that. 

Although I very much want Ukraine to win this war against Russia, I am concerned that Putin in his stupidity will cause the breakup of Russia into various countries all of which might potentially become dictatorships just as bad as he was becoming with world ambitions. I continue to hope that China reigns in Russia although acquiring Siberia would make China an even more powerful nation. One wonders at just what the aims of these countries are in the long run. Is it world domination of people or trade? or both? We lived for a long time with a fair amount of peace which does make dictators think that they can easily accomplish their aim of domination because people will be afraid to fight. But that isn't the case in actual fact; a pandemic occurred and that has brought out the fight in people once again. We are more than willing to defend ourselves and not be under the heel of anybody.

I continue to support far more funding for our military - we could easily go to 4% of GDP and not be enough. Get ships in the water, proper equipment for the land troops and the air military. Stop wasting time; get it done I say to the government. Neither the Liberals nor the Conservatives are getting it done although I have greater hopes that the Liberals will eventually get there. The Conservatives are too busy being social conservatives and not enough on protection of our country through support of the military. The second very important item is tackling global warming and we are not doing enough. 

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