Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday and Church on You Tube once again

A beautiful Sunday, the sky is clear although still dark and it is three degrees celsius. I do love Sundays. Church on YouTube at 10:30 a.m.

Completed looking at all the new matches yesterday. No new work on the phasing but perhaps today; time will tell. Need to cover the air conditioner and will wait for the sunny warm afternoon and do that. I did cut down some of the plants yesterday and my very kind neighbours raked the leaves for me. I was going to help them but surprisingly all of the work of the last couple of days has caught up to me and I didn't do that. I think there are a dozen bags of leaves out there plus the two bags that I filled with the cuttings. 

Definitely winter is coming and I do look forward to that. I love the winter with its picture postcard look of white snow. We are going to do cross country skiing this year which will be fun; save it for the warmer winter days but we have good trails to go on and it will be fun. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always; one could ask politely although Russia will not likely listen - please get out of Ukraine. You are spoiling our beautiful world with your ancient imperialistic war being fought in a cruel and indecent manner against children and women. Children are dying and you are responsible and may God hold you responsible for each and every one and extract his revenge against you. 

On to the day; breakfast next. My favourite meal of the day. 

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