Friday, October 28, 2022

The morning Sky is cloudy today; heavy frost last night

 Today I have probably 70% of the sky visible to me as all of the leaves have fallen from the trees now. Last night was a heavy frost with all that glistening white on the rooftops - a prelude to winter for sure. We are nearly at Hallowe'en which to me traditionally ushers in the potential of snow any time but generally it waits until December. 

The Nazi Putin and his enablers continue with their trite conversation against the supporters of Ukraine. There is no respect for all mankind there; no respect for Mother Earth and he attacks constantly although is also constantly forced back by the plucky Ukrainians. How many Russians have to die before Putin stops. He cares so little for his people unless they are his "friends" and does nothing for them; they go to war without proper equipment or food. They are canon fodder. 

We in the Western Hemisphere are tired of these ancient hatreds that have caused war in the Eastern Hemisphere to be ongoing through the centuries. Stop fighting; draw back to the pre 2014 borders; get out of the Crimea. You are all criminals; you Russians. You need to prove you are not by having better governance so that the rest of the world can have peace.

Good accomplishment yesterday on the Kipp Family Newsletter. Still working on the sources to add in the material to make it even easier to find these references from Edward's work. 

Today another work day and perhaps a little raking; time will tell. I have a lot of leaves out there as the trees have mostly shed their leaves next door and a lot of them are in my yard. I will gradually rake them all up before the winter snows bury them until spring. A small amount to cut down still out front and put up the winter fence.

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