Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thirty Second Psalm

 Today's Bible Reading is one of hope - the joy of forgiveness. It follows yesterday's Bible Reading which I always find difficult. Interesting but then God didn't choose the order in which the Bible Readings occur. It is just a happy coincidence that the Bible Reading of today is such a lovely one and that the one yesterday is confusing. 

Today, more cutting down of the summer's joys - the beautiful flowering plants. Plus I begin once again to work on the Kipp Family Newsletter. I need to finish it up now as the 1st of November is fast approaching. How long will I work on this Newsletter; I have no idea actually but it seems like the right thing to do with Edward's research into his paternal family. He just has so much research material that I am overwhelmed mostly by all the boxes even yet. More than 70% of his material (books and other items) have been donated or given to family members but yet so much remains. Compared to my own cache of books and material his material remains an enormous amount. 

Glory to Ukraine. May she defend her country with all of the zeal that she has shown thus far and may we continue to provide her with the tools. There is a news report that Russia is sending soldiers to the front with diseases and perhaps this will be the way that God punishes Russia by infecting all of her soldiers with disease so that they can no longer fight and go back home. What a sinful people these Nazi Russians are. God be with Ukraine.

The last two stanzas of the Bible Reading:

You said to me,
“I will point out the road
   that you should follow.
I will be your teacher
   and watch over you.
Don't be stupid
   like horses and mules
that must be led with ropes
   to make them obey.”

All kinds of troubles
   will strike the wicked,
but your kindness shields those
   who trust you, Lord.
And so your good people
   should celebrate and shout.

I wish that the Ukrainians could celebrate but they are too busy burying their children that the Russians are killing.

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