Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Tit for Tat

Sad to say it but I think if Russia uses a tactical nuclear device or any nuclear weapon in Ukraine or elsewhere in the democracies then it is tit for tat - pick a spot in Russia and give them one back and for the nuclear waste in our atmosphere all around the world create a ten kilometre dead zone (no foliage, no people, nothing) along the border between Ukraine and Russia (and also Belarus since they think helping Russia is a good idea). Nuclear waste creates a hazard for people all over the world as it drifts across. But one hopes that it doesn't come to that. Putin is behaving like a two year old and hopefully his enablers can manage him unless they all have a death wish in which case we already know what happens in a nuclear war - the planet, if it survives, goes back to the Stone Age and evolution begins once again. Hopefully enough is left of our history for the ones who may follow us to see that a good life can be had by everyone if they live in peace. If the Russians like their autocrat then that is their problem but do not let it become our problem by attacking a free sovereign nation and forcing us to provide them with the tools to defend themselves (we have a long history of helping people attacked by land grabbing nazis including China in the 30s, Russia in the 40s and Ukraine in the 20s (and there are other instances)). If the Chinese autocrat thinks it is nice to support Putin by claiming that NATO is the problem, then that becomes the Chinese people's problem. We could just stop buying their goods. NATO has not and never will be the problem. We are a defensive organization protecting the countries that prefer freedom to autocracy. 

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