Friday, October 21, 2022

Trees are spectacular with sun shinning through the yellow leaves

 What a beautiful day looking out my window. The maple has no leaves now but the black walnut has held on to its leaves and they are a bright yellow as always. Then one day suddenly they will all drop almost at once. 

Love the autumn. It is such a wonderful time. Plus I can see the blue sky again which has been pretty much blocked from my work window all summer. 

Not much work done today; it was a busy one for various reasons but tomorrow I will get back to phasing. I think it is intriguing to work on the great grandparents. I actually know some items about these great grandparents from my parents making them somewhat more real in my mind. I even know about a couple of great great grandparents and great great great grandparents just because my father visited with some of these people as a child and my grandfather the same. There were family get togethers that they all shared and their memories even though they were often as young as six or seven enriched my life when I was a child. Some of these people lived such a long time ago when the world was a very different place except for one item which does rather stick in my mind - War was just the same stealing away the young men so they did have the chance to have children and grow old or if they had children did not see them grow. 

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