Saturday, October 29, 2022

Winter sunrise - still minus 2 degrees celsius at 8:00 a.m.

 Another beautiful day and the cold weather is definitely coming now although we could still get a few surprise days when the temperature goes into the teens in the day. The leaves are all down now as far as the eye can see. Just the thin silhouette of branches against the sky revealing so much blue now. I miss the blue sky in the summer but we are bathed in cooling shadow so is perhaps a good tradeoff. 

Yesterday I continued on the Kipp Family Newsletter for a couple of hours and up to page 23 which will be a record length. I found some interesting images which I added although I do not actually know the source. Perhaps someone else does. You would need to see the original though to really enjoy this family tree of one of the members of the Kip family of New York/New Amsterdam. This is the line that Edward believes he is descended from as he shares yDNA with others in this line. Perhaps one day that elusive line will pop out in the records at the moment he can clearly trace back to his 2x great grandfather Isaac Kipp whose birth and marriage record was found in one of their descendant's family Bible. The 1st of November 1764 and the 29 Aug 1790 along with the birth date of his wife Hannah Mead 11 Aug 1770. Because these dates were likely recorded by the original owner of the Bible (Richard Titus Kipp (his first marriage starts the marriage list and the marriage of his parents on the opposite page in the same hand with the second marriage recorded in the same hand but obviously at a different time and with a different pen) and before his mother Hannah died 24 Mar 1859 one can look at them with the regard that they were recorded by people still alive who could conceivably remember these details. Isaac died 6 Aug 1846. Richard Titus Kipp was born 7 Apr 1808 with his first marriage 28 Jan 1830, his second marriage 25 Oct 1843 and his third marriage 30 May 1878. 

Today I will continue with adding the references as hypertext links to make it easy to locate the books that were used as most of them are now held in the Library of Family Search online. I need to complete this by Tuesday to put it up on the Kipp yDNA website for the perusal of those readers. How much longer I will persist is hard to say. I am not doing as much as I thought I might in terms of publishing his research because I am putting more time into my own than I realized. Time stretches forward in an unknown way and I work through each day in this interesting way that most suits me. 

Raking today as well at some point. There are a lot of leaves out there and I want to have them all cleared away by next collection day. I may not succeed in that task but then they keep collecting garbage so no deadline in that regard!

Glory to Ukraine and may she win this war and retain her lands as stated at the end of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. Armed combat needs to end; it destroys our world; destroys the lifeblood of countries. 

May King Charles III continue to reign in his thoughtful way and may God support him as he moves past the betrayal of his youngest son. It must hurt him very much but one way to look at it we will not have to pay to provide Harry and his family protection especially as all he did was complain while he was in our country before he quit public life and we did provide security for them. I agree he didn't have any choice on being born into the fishbowl of the Royal Family but he certainly uses that position to gild his nest and not in a particularly nice way.

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