Friday, October 14, 2022

Working on the matches as the first step

Spent yesterday working on the matches I have accumulated over the past year and will continue today. I have completed about half of them yesterday. Once that is complete then I can start working on the chromosomes and I may start with the X chromosome since it is short and verify all the new matches into my system and see if I can create my great grandparents phasing for the two chromosomes. The one X chromosome that all five of us share is Pincombe/Buller and just my sisters and I share the Rawlings which has come to us via our father directly from his mother unchanged. Her X chromosome that she passes is a combination of her mother and father. It would be interesting to see if I am able to pull out the Rawlings side of this chromosome separating it from my paternal grandmother's father. 

Each match takes me about ten minutes to half of an hour to pass it into my DNA system - painting in DNA painter, entering into my Excel charts (by chromosome), copying to the pertinent chromosome for later review, and then moving to the completed matches. But along the way I look at the phased chromosome and verify that what I recorded at the time of producing the match file fits what is in the file. Sometimes that involves going back into the particular company to look once again at all the data. 

I have thought about phasing my great grandparents for awhile now and it is exciting to now proceed with that thought. What do I gain from all the work? I get to look deeper into the Autism genes that I have in my DNA and know that they descend from my Blake side likely through my great grandmother Maria Jane (Knight) Blake. I can also examine the Fructose Intolerance which I inherited and none of my siblings did (this is also true of most of the Autism genes which I inherited). For the five of us, we have really distinct differences in our inheritance. Often enough I inherited genes that none of them inherited. I did love having children but must admit that moving on to grandchildren always made me reluctant; I never encouraged my children to have children in actual fact. By going back to work fulltime when my youngest was just over one year of age I rather encouraged them to look to a career as their first interest. Mind you I went through school easily and graduated from University at 21 years of age so the autism had little effect in actual fact. The Fructose Intolerance is a single gene and probably has had zero effect on my life especially given my low tendency towards fruit and sweet desserts. But it is exciting to have a look at the DNA purely from a scientific perspective especially given that my DNA is all from five distinct areas of England going back hundreds of years and thousands in some cases. I do have one Huguenot line that came to England in the latter part of the 1400s or early part of the 1500s. I do have a Scot Highlander line that came to Cumberland in the 1400s. There are likely other anomalies but primarily from the British Isles (i.e. Scotland and Ireland) although I do show Scandinavian in my heritage but I do have ancestry in the East Riding of Yorkshire which may account for that in particular the height of my brothers (several of them, one is also short like my father) is probably definitely from that line (my maternal grandfather's mother's father was from the East Riding of Yorkshire and can be traced back into the 1500s there readily).  

Soon into the discovery of the DNA results already accumulated through this past year. Perhaps by the end of the day I will be looking at phasing the X chromosome. I am quite excited at this new thought. I will move to the Siderfin book in the new year. I scarcely get out these days other than to buy groceries. With all the exercise equipment that I have and just being able to run in the basement make it so much easier to just stay inside although do like to wander around the backyard to get my fresh air. 

One prays that Russia will soon get out of Ukraine and let those people live their lives. This is the second time in less than one hundred years that Russia has tried to destroy these people. The Holodomor as it was called was apparently also in Kazakhstan. When you try to murder people by starving them to death they are not going to be too keen on being part of any association with you for sure. Respect for the people who are your neighbours and kin is the only way for them to like you. 

I like the suggestion that frozen Russian assets should be used to rebuild Ukraine. The EU's comment re what they would do if even one nuclear weapon is used is interesting - destruction of the Russian army which could be easily done especially if a 10 kilometer dead zone is created along the border with Russia - there will not be any place to hide for sure. If Belarus minds their manners and stays out of Ukraine (and tells the Russian soldiers to go home) then the need to do the same there becomes unnecessary.  Putin is certainly hedging his bets as he lets us see the crazies that surround him; I think it is up to the Russian people who leads them although I wouldn't want Putin he does not have the interests of all the Russian people in his heart just his wealthy oligarch friends perhaps the Russian people like to be subservient.

On to the day.


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